The Institute of Professional Education and Current Research Trends
ISPEC Institute
"humanities, medical sciences, engineering, natural sciences, agriculture"
Together, the divisions and staff at ISPEC Institute are working to serve researchers and industry through excellence in education, discovery, and the application of engineering and applied sciences.
Research Center on Agriculture and Natural Resources
ISPEC facilitates international science projects and assists the global scientific and business community to source and engage scientists and institutes that develop or possess an excellence of scientific know-how.
Research Overview
The Research Center of Natural Resources and Agriculture (RCNRA) of the IPSEC Institute is among leaders in natural resources research, promoting efficient management and use of renewable natural resources in support of sustainable livelihoods. Research is primarily focused on developing and emerging economies. RCNRA's presence and research partnerships, and its training and capacity building programmes, provide the platform for the Center to develop and disseminate key technologies and knowledge. This has resulted in substantial impact at farmer and community level, and has made significant contributions to the international research community. Much of the work also involves interaction with the developed world where it is equally applicable.
Our Research Groups report to two units of assesment, Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences and Anthropology and Development Studies. Further information including group members, projects and publications can be found below.
Impact is central to everything RCNRA does. Below you can find examples of our Impact Case Studies.
An important constituency within all of our Research Groups are our Early Career Researchers (RCNRAs). We have an active RCNRA Network that aims to develop skills, promote inter-disciplinarity and foster a collegiate research environment for those at an early state in their research careers. The RCNRA Network’s agenda is set by the RCNRAs themselves and seeks to be inclusive and focussed on maximising career potential.
Our Research and Development work is also organised to address thematic challenges.
Contact Professor Seyithan Seydoşoğlu for more details.
Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
RCNRA researchers address challenges and opportunities relating to the spectrum of activities from food production to consumption, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries particularly in Middle East. At the primary production end of the scale this includes a particular emphasis of the vectors of disease of people, livestock and crops. Our work post-harvest concentrates on durable and perishable crops to, reduce losses, enhance financial and/or nutritional crop value, improve storage and preservation, improve food processing technologies, ensuring food safety and quality management and, address food loss and waste – all with the ultimate aim of improving the livelihoods and nutritional status of vulnerable, less advantaged populations.

Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
Increasing food production efficiency to feed a growing global population, while maintaining ecosystem services, conserving biodiversity and promoting social equity.

Climate Change, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Responding to climate change by understanding the challenges posed by climate variability and developing mitigation and adaptation strategies